Energy FAQ from ADK Solutions
Q. Why do I even need an energy consultant?
Because you are an expert in your business, If you are a manufacturer, service company, sales and distribution company or other institution. You do that every day, and you are good at it. We are experts in sourcing electricity to businesses like yours. We negotiate billions of kilowatts of power every year, and we know the trends, the pitfalls, and the hidden places to avoid in the standard contracts offered by many suppliers. Unless you love comparing the fine print in dozens of contracts, you need our services. It may also be wise to consult with an attorney to get the best advice moving forward on switching electric plans.
Q. I have always worked directly with the suppliers, why do I need you?
Your current supplier counts on customers to “go it alone”, and you can. Let’s change the question a bit, however, to “should you?” You may want to become an expert on the workings of the electricity marketplace and spend your time learning buzzwords and acronyms of the industry, even follow long-term trends and practices of many suppliers. The truth is, you contract for energy once every few years for your specific needs. We contract for energy every day. Billions of Kilowatts are on our contracts each year. We know the price points, strengths, and weakness of the providers you see on the TV and Internet, and we use that knowledge to your advantage. The sales contact you deal with at an individual provider works only for that provider. Our long-term growth relies on us working for you. We leverage our insight to get you very best deal by comparing and negotiating with up to 10 suppliers for your requirements, and present that to you in a quick and easy proposal summary to make your choices easy and straightforward.
Q. I get energy sales calls continuously; why should I do business with ADK Solutions?
That is the best question of all. ADK was built on a solid business model. First and foremost - Integrity - We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards, treat our customers as we would want to be treated, and honor our commitments. We won’t compromise our “non-negotiable” core values. We understand that the greatest asset any business can have is your trust in our client-advisor relationship.
Q.What’s the difference between ADK Solutions and an energy consultant?
ADK Solutions works to get you the best price available in the market when it nears time for you to renew your energy contract. You wouldn’t hear from most brokers until it’s time to renew again, but we stay in touch to help you evaluate long term solutions for you energy needs. Consumption counts. For example, low priced gasoline is fine, but if your car only gets 8 miles per gallon instead of 30, you are missing a big part of the picture. An energy audit, arranged by ADK Solutions can help you make decisions about long term ways to reduce your overall consumption of electricity. Our customers who direct some of the savings we provide into energy efficient lighting, HVAC systems, and monitoring equipment realize savings that multiply year over year regardless which provider they choose in the future. Our low-cost profile allows us to pass along huge savings to our customers. Let us help you save now and tomorrow.
Q.How does ADK Solutions get paid for the services we provide?
The Retail Electric Providers pay us a fee for bringing them a new customer. Our services are completely free to you as a customer. If we can get you a better price than you can get on your own, it is a win-win situation for everyone.
Q.How do I get custom pricing from ADK Solutions?
Energy pricing is based on two main components-Natural gas prices and how much kilowatt usage you have consumed over the last 12 months at your facility. Your utility provider in your area will send me an excel sheet that shows your usage and demand charges over the last twelve months that will help my providers custom price the best deal they can come up with. To get started, I have attached a letter of authorization form on my site for you to fill out that corresponds to each meter and service address you have. Also, please forward a energy bill that reflects each meter you want to get pricing on. I am an advocate for the customer, my job is to get you the best pricing on the market.
Q.What other components should I look at when choosing an energy provider?
There are three important things to look at when deciding on a provider-what is their fixed rate price, how is their customer service going to be, are their bills easy to read and accurate. Even if someone has the best rate but their customer service and bills are hard to read, you won’t be happy as a customer. You also need to know what kind of bandwidth restriction you have in your agreement and if nodal charges are included or not.